What Can A Nephrologist Do For Me?

If you’re experiencing issues with your kidneys in Des Moines, IA, let a nephrologist at Iowa Kidney Physicians diagnose your condition and help you come up with the best treatment plan for your needs.

What Is a Nephrologist?

In short, a nephrologist is a doctor that specializes in kidney issues. The kidneys are vital organs of the body that filter out waste and excess fluid in the blood, which will then be released through urine. Unfortunately, there are several things that can prevent the kidneys from functioning normally, which can cause many unwanted side effects.

When you visit your primary care physician and they feel that something is not working well in your kidneys, they’ll usually take blood and urine tests. Both of these can usually let your doctor know if there is, in fact, an issue in the kidneys. If there is, you’ll typically be referred to a nephrologist in order to determine what is going on and get a treatment plan going.

How Exactly Can a Nephrologist Help in Des Moines, IA?

When visiting the experts at Iowa Kidney Physicians, you’ll begin with a complete exam. This will include an in-depth discussion of your symptoms, a review of your medical history, and a physical examination. 

It will also usually include additional blood and urine tests, which are more comprehensive than those of a primary care doctor, as well as imaging of the kidneys. At times, a biopsy and additional testing are used. All of this can help your nephrologist get a thorough understanding of your condition. 

Some symptoms that a kidney specialist can diagnose include: 

  • Nausea 
  • Blood in your urine 
  • Unexplained weight loss 
  • Changes in sense of appetite and taste
  • Infrequent urination which is not caused by dehydration 
  • Stiffness, pain, or fluid in the joints 
  • Daytime exhaustion and sleeplessness at night 
  • Nausea 
  • Muscle weakness, numbness, and cramps 

After a diagnosis is complete, the team at Iowa Kidney Physicians can work with you and your primary care doctor to determine a treatment plan. This may include lifestyle changes, medication, monitoring of the symptoms, and surgical intervention, when necessary.

If you’re in need of a nephrologist in Des Moines, IA, let the specialists at Iowa Kidney Physicians help. You can schedule an appointment at the Pleasant Street location at (515) 336-6557 or the SW 7th Street location at (515) 243-3161.